
Are you having trouble getting PyImageJ up and running? Try the PyImageJ doctor!

python -c "import;"

See The PyImageJ doctor below for details.

This document is divided into three main sections:

  1. Known Limitations

  2. Debugging Tips

  3. Common Errors

Known Limitations

For technical reasons, there are some aspects of ImageJ and ImageJ2 that cannot fully work from a Python script:

The original ImageJ API is limited in headless mode

Normally, the original ImageJ does not work headless at all. But thanks to the ImageJ Legacy Bridge, most aspects of the original ImageJ work in headless mode, including via PyImageJ when initializing with imagej.init(mode='headless').

That said, there are a couple of major areas of functionality in the original ImageJ that do not work headless, and therefore do not work headless via PyImageJ.

ROI Manager

ImageJ’s ROI Manager allows you to work with multiple regions of interest (ROIs) simultaneously. The ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager class is the API for controlling these features. As one might guess just from its package name, ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager is a java.awt.Frame, and therefore cannot be used headless.

If you need to work with multiple ij.gui.Roi objects, one option that works headless is to group them using an ij.gui.Overlay.


ImageJ’s ij.WindowManager class consists of static functions for working with Java AWT windows, including ImageJ’s ij.gui.ImageWindow. Each ImageJ image is an ij.ImagePlus linked to a corresponding ij.gui.ImageWindow. However, in headless mode, there are no image windows, because they cannot exist headless. Therefore, attempts to use the functions of the WindowManager will fail, with functions like WindowManager.getCurrentWindow() always returning null. Unfortunately, ImageJ tracks open images via their windows; therefore, you cannot know which images have previously been opened while running headless, nor is there an “active image window” while running headless because there are no windows.

Note that if you are having problems with a null or incorrect active image while running in GUI or INTERACTIVE mode (i.e. not HEADLESS), you might need to call, where imp is the ij.ImagePlus you want to register or update.

Non-blocking INTERACTIVE mode on macOS

On macOS, the Cocoa event loop needs to be started from the main thread before any Java-AWT-specific functions can work. And doing so blocks the main thread. For this reason, PyImageJ includes two graphical modes, GUI and INTERACTIVE, with GUI blocking the imagej.init invocation, and INTERACTIVE returning immediately… but INTERACTIVE cannot work on macOS and is therefore not available, due to this OS-specific limitation.

Old versions of ImageJ2

PyImageJ uses some functions of ImageJ2 and supporting libraries that are not available in older versions of ImageJ2. While it may be possible to initialize an ImageJ2 gateway with an older version of ImageJ2, certain functionality may not behave as intended, so we advise to use version 2.11.0 or later if possible.

Starting Python from inside ImageJ

At the time of this writing, in order to use PyImageJ, you must start Python first, and initialize ImageJ2 from there.

We have plans to make it possible to go the other direction: starting ImageJ2 as usual and then calling Python scripts for the Script Editor. But this architecture is not complete yet; see this forum discussion for details.

Debugging Tips

The PyImageJ doctor

PyImageJ comes equipped with a troubleshooter that you can run to check for issues with your Python environment:


It is completely standalone, so alternately, you can run the latest version of the doctor by downloading and running it explicitly:

curl -fsLO

(If you don’t have curl, use wget or download using a web browser.)

Enabling debug logging

You can enable more verbose output about what is happening internally, such as which Java dependencies are being installed by jgo.

Add the following to the very beginning of your Python code:


Under the hood, this debug_to_stderr() call sets the log level to DEBUG for the relevant PyImageJ dependencies, and adds a logging handler that emits output to the standard error stream.

Common Errors

jgo.jgo.ExecutableNotFound: mvn not found on path …

This indicates the Maven executable wasn’t found on your system.

  • If you installed Maven manually, make sure the bin directory is actually on your PATH and start a fresh terminal session.

  • If you installed via conda/mamba and are on Windows, you maven have an old maven installation from when it was broken. You should be able to simply update with conda update -n pyimagej maven (adjusted if you named your environment something other than pyimagej).

<JAVA_HOME>/lib/ext exists, extensions mechanism no longer supported; Use -classpath instead.

If you installed maven via conda/mamba on Windows, you may have gotten a version that was briefly broken. You should be able to simply update with conda update -n pyimagej maven (adjusted if you named your environment something other than pyimagej).

Command died with Signals.SIGKILL: 9

If you see an error like:

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['.../jre/bin/java', '-version']' died with <Signals.SIGKILL: 9>.

it might be that you are using an M1 Mac, and have OpenJDK 8 installed from conda-forge? Unfortunately, Version 8 of OpenJDK from conda-forge is known to be broken on Mac M1 machines.

Try mamba install openjdk=11 to update to version 11, and this problem should go away.

Error in “mvn.CMD -B -f pom.xml” dependency:resolve: 1

This indicates a problem running Maven on your system. Maven is needed to fetch Java libraries from the Internet.

Two common problems are:

Details on how to address these two scenarios are below.

Or it might be something else, in which case it will require more debugging effort. Please post on the forum and include the results of re-running the same imagej.init call after:

  1. Deleting your ~/.jgo directory; and

  2. Enabling debug logging by adding:


    to the top of your script. You can try first without debug_maven=True, but if you still don’t get any useful hints in the output, add the debug_maven=True so that mvn runs with the -X flag to provide us with the copious amounts of output our bodies crave.

Could not transfer artifact

If the debugging output includes notices such as:

DEBUG:jgo: [ERROR] Non-resolvable import POM: Could not transfer artifact net.imglib2:imglib2-imglyb:pom:1.0.1 from/to scijava.public ( Transfer failed for @ line 8, column 29: Connect to [] failed: Connection timed out:

This suggests you may be behind a firewall that is preventing Maven from downloading the necessary components. In this case you have a few options to try:

  1. Tell Java to use your system proxy settings:

    import os
    os.environ["JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS"] = ""
  2. Configure your proxy settings manually: (replacing and 8080 as appropriate)

    import os
    myhost = ""
    myport = 8080
    os.environ["JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS"] = (
        + f" -Dhttp.proxyPort={myport}"
        + f" -Dhttps.proxyHost={myhost}"
        + f" -Dhttps.proxyPort={myport}"
  3. Configure your proxy settings through Maven by editing the <settings>..</settings> block of your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file:

        <id>Your company proxy</id>
  4. Initialize with a local installation, so that PyImageJ does not need to download anything else from the Internet. In this case you will also have to manually download the latest .jar files for imglib2-unsafe and imglib2-imglyb and place them in your local directory, as these are required for PyImageJ but not part of the standard Fiji distribution.

Unable to find valid certification path

If the debugging output includes notices such as:

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    at (
    at (

This suggests the version of Java being used is too old and contains outdated certificate information. This behavior has been confirmed with the openjdk installed from the default conda channel (i.e. conda install openjdk). Try using an openjdk from the conda-forge channel instead.

I ran a plugin and see an updated image, but the numpy array and dataset are unchanged

This bug can occur in certain circumstances when using original ImageJ plugins which update a corresponding ImagePlus. It can be worked around by calling:

imp = ij.WindowManager.getCurrentImage()

The same macro gives different results when run multiple times

This pernicious problem, covered by issue #148, has been observed and documented on a forum thread. No one has had time to fully investigate, determine how widespread the problem is, or fix it. Help wanted!

Original ImageJ classes not found

If you try to load an original ImageJ class (with package prefix ij), and get a JavaException: Class not found error, this is because the environment was initialized without the original ImageJ included. See

Not enough memory

You can increase the memory available to the JVM before starting it. See

Python hangs when quitting

It’s probably because the JVM is not shutting down cleanly. JPype and scyjava try their best to shut down the JVM, and PyImageJ does its best to dispose all ImageJ2 resources when Python wants to shut down. However, in some scenarios there can still be problems; see #153.

You can try calling ij.dispose() yourself before quitting Python. If that is not enough, you can even call scyjava.jimport('java.lang.System').exit(0) (Java exit) or sys.exit(0) (Python exit), either of which will immediately terminate both Java and Python.


With ImageJ2 v2.3.0 and earlier, there is an obnoxious warning at startup:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.bushe.swing.event.EventService).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.

This can safely be ignored, and will be fixed in the next release of ImageJ2.

TypeError: No matching overloads

Java has method overloading, whereas Python does not. The JPype library is very smart about figuring which Java method you intend to call based on the argument types. But it is not perfect—see e.g. jpype-project/jpype#844. Therefore, you might encounter an error TypeError: No matching overloads when trying to call certain Java methods in some scenarios. Here is an example:

>>> ij = imagej.init()
>>> ij.op().create()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No matching overloads found for org.scijava.plugin.PTService.create(), options are:
  public default org.scijava.plugin.SciJavaPlugin org.scijava.plugin.PTService.create(java.lang.Class)

Until JPype is improved, you will need to work around the issue case by case. For example, to avoid the error above with the create() method, you can use:

CreateNamespace ='net.imagej.ops.create.CreateNamespace')
create = ij.op().namespace(CreateNamespace)

And then create will contain the same object normally accessed via ij.op().create().

If you are stuck, please post a topic on the Forum.

pip install jpype1 fails on Windows

There is a known issue installing with pip on Windows with Python 3.10. Please see jpype-project/jpype#1009.

Until this issue is resolved, we suggest those on Windows either:

  • Install with conda rather than pip (preferred).

  • Downgrade to Python 3.9.